
What Is Latching

what is latching

How to Advertise Your Small Business

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By: Jonathan McCulloch

Not many entrepreneurs planned to be in the business they find themselves in -- including me. It's commonly a case of us chasing a dream, doing something we like to do, rather than a reasonable and well considered small business marketing plan.

A commonplace blunder seems to be they imagine if they're good at doing the "thing", then they can run a "thing" business, too.

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Lamentably, this is generally untrue. And the BIG problem is not many people understand no matter what business they think they're in, they're actually in the marketing of the business they're in. To put it otherwise, if you sell widgets, you're not in the "widget business": you're really in the "marketing of a widget business business".

So in this short piece I share with you what I regard to be the three most necessary pieces in any small business marketing plan.

Of course, I'm perfectly aware I can't share all I know about marketing a small business in one article and three tips ... but in true 80/20 style I can give you some strategies which, if you embrace them, are going to make a tremendous difference in your business.

1. Follow up for life

Successful business owners understand the secret to business success is found in following up.

The more you tell, the more you sell, to put it otherwise.

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It's a tough job selling anything to anyone on your first meeting, especially if it's a significant purchase. It takes time. I, myself, frequently get new customers and clients who have been reading my tips and e-mails literally for years.

2. Buy customers not make sales

The real value of a customer or client is in his or her lifetime value -- the sum of money he or she pays you over the lifetime of your relationship.

Too many business owners really don't recognize this, and instead fall over themselves in the race to make each individual sale, without bearing in mind this long-term value.

It's been my long experience that my business and my dealings with clients is more successful and more enjoyable if I am level with them and even go as far as talking them out of making certain purchases. It engenders trust, and once they trust you, they 'll pretty much pay you anything you ask, for as long as you demonstrate that trust is warranted.

3. Focus.

What's the raison d'etre for your small business?

If you said something other than "to make money", then you might want to think again about your career.

This is not an unethical attitude to take. No matter what the eventual aim of your business, it's got to pay its own way so it can meet salary, pay its bills and keep up with its commitments.

It follow, then, you plainly must be selling something.

What's more, this is no way contradicts what I said above about cultivating long-term relationships rather than focusing on immediate sales. On the contrary, by serving rather than selling, you 'll end up selling MORE over the long term.

What is does NOT mean, though, is latching onto each prospect or customer as if he or she was the only one you were ever going to get. That's the quick way to the nut-house, and you don't make any extra sales while you're on your way there, either.

Yes, you need sales and you need customers and clients ... but no single one of them is indispensable. If they are, then your business is in a very perilous position and you need to do something about, and soon.

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